AKATT SA currently employs 23 technicians. More specifically, it employs: 6 Engineers with a degree in Electrical Engineering from NTUA, 8 Automation Engineers, 4 Information Technology Engineers, 2 Electrical Engineers and 3 electricians.

Besides its permanent staff, AKATT SA cooperates with universities and technical institutes for specialized areas of knowhow. As an example, we can mention the Automation Laboratory of NTUA, the Automation department of TEI Piraeus, etc.

Organization Chart



251 Ag. Dimitriou Str., Ag. Dimitrios - ATHENS, 173 42
Tel: 210 - 95 81101, 151 | Fax: 210 - 95 36246
E-mail: info[at]akatt.gr
GEMI: 124186701000
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